
Tenants who are looking for quality accommodation in the South West of England, especially Cornwall, are encouraged to contact us to see if we can help them find what they are looking for. If we do not have anything suitable at the time, we are very happy to put you in touch with our trusted and vetted partners who may well be able to help.


Sellers of property in the South West of England, especially Cornwall, who are looking for a professional, chain free buyer, are welcome to contact us. We appreciate full details and transparency, so that we can quickly assess a deal. We are especially interested in former local authority and commercial properties that are suitable for conversion to residential use.


Developers who are looking for a partner to discuss and collaborate with on larger or more complex projects, are welcome to contact us. We are keen to partner on large scale conversions of local authority and commercial buildings to residential use, as well as industrial estates and land with development potential that encourages employment and economic growth.


Investors who are looking for good short term returns above that which can be achieved by conventional means, are encouraged to speak to us about financing of deposits, renovations and bridging loans for property purchases. Investors interested in mid to long term capital growth, are encouraged to talk to us about our larger scale development and commercial projects.